
First Aid Course Munich

First Aid Course for Driving License in English

Free German driving License theory book in English 

Course Location

WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 09.31.51
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 09.32.01
WhatsApp Image 2023-07-09 at 09.32.18

First Aid Course in Munich

Everyone should know how to administer first aid, and First Aid Course In Munich is a thorough 9-chapter course that will leave you feeling confident and ready for anything. The experienced instructors will prepare you to manage any situation that arises while driving with practical training and real-world scenarios. This First Aid course is a great place to start if you need to acquire your driver’s license.

Whether you’re a local or an expat, our first aid course for driving licenses is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills required. From basic first aid training to specific eye tests for driving licenses, we’ve got you covered. Pick a date for the first aid class, pass the first aid test, and confidently pursue your driving license, all conveniently available in Munich.

Chapters Covered in Our First Aid Course

Course duration:

9 Chapters (45 minutes each).

Course content

Inside the classroom
First Aid Course Munich
First Aid Course Stuttgart (4)
First Aid Course Munich

First Aid Course

For anyone who wants to start driving, we provide a first-aid training in English. Everything you need to know about giving basic first aid will be covered in this course, which is being taught by experienced instructors who speak English. Whether you’re a complete beginner or you just want to review your skills, this course will give you the confidence you need to handle any emergency situation. Therefore, join right now to receive the training required for a license and to be ready for everything the road may throw at you.

First Aid Courses for Driving License

First Aid course is required before applying for a driving licence. We provide First Aid instruction in Munich for all levels of licensing. The first aider, who has significant experience in the emergency services, ensure that participants are well-informed on all aspects of saving lives. Participants learn to save lives through practical exercises

First Aid Course in English

To obtain a German driving licence, you are legally required to complete our first aid course. So if you’re ready to earn your driver’s license, get strarted with the registration for the course today.

First Aid Courses for Driving License

The German driving licence requires the first aid certification, which is perpetually valid. Book your English First Aid Course and free eye test with us today!

Eye Test for Driving License
Eye Test for Driving License
First Aid Kit for the Car
First Aid Course Stuttgart (5)

What should I bring to the first aid course

Biometric passport photos

The first aid classes are broken down into 9 chapters, each of which lasts 45 minutes. Course hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, however breaks are included.

A free eye exam is included in the course fee of €59 euros.

Although the first aid certificate is valid for life, it is advised that you renew it every two years. Additionally, you should routinely replenish the first aid kit in your car (check the expiration date).

Erste Hilfe Kurs auf Englisch

Wenn du nach Erster Hilfe Kurs auf Englisch suchst, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Unsere Erste-Hilfe-Kurse sind darauf ausgerichtet, lebensrettende Fertigkeiten in einer verständlichen und entspannten Atmosphäre auf Englisch zu vermitteln. Ganz egal, ob du einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs für deinen Führerschein oder aus anderen Gründen benötigst, unsere Kurse sind in Englisch verfügbar. Wir wissen, wie wichtig es ist, die Materie in einer Sprache zu verstehen, die dir vertraut ist. Unsere kompetenten Ausbilder sorgen dafür, dass du die erforderlichen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten problemlos erlernst. Entdecke unsere Erste-Hilfe-Kurse auf Englisch und sei bestens vorbereitet, um in Notfällen schnell und effektiv zu handeln. Deine Sicherheit und die Sicherheit anderer liegen uns am Herzen.


Driving School in Munich

On completing the first course bring your first aid certificate, eye test and biometric passport photos and application form to the driving school to start the process of getting the driving license

For registration at driving school bring the following items

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